What is coworking?

When you enter a coworking space you join a community of great people.   They share the same space, sometimes they collaborate on projects, they support each other and socialise.  It's a way of working that has become very popular in the last decade and is still growing in popularity.

Who is coworking for?

Coworking is for anyone who works alone: e.g. startups, remote employees and freelancers.  Starting a business in your back bedroom seems attractive at first, but isolation and distraction soon pushes people to look for a space outside the home.  The trouble is that these can be expensive and often just as isolating.  Coworking spaces are communities of people, lust like these, who work in the same space and love it.

Barbara Hanley

Founder Soopapets.com


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tincidunt, nibh sed venenatis suscipit, lacus turpis feugiat mauris, vel viverra diam dui quis dolor. Etiam vel mattis enim, et imperdiet."

H. A.

Freelancer Marketing


 "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tincidunt, nibh sed venenatis suscipit, lacus turpis feugiat mauris, vel viverra diam dui quis dolor. Etiam vel mattis enim, et imperdiet."

S Wiegmann



"After years of working in solitude from home I came to the conclusion that we spend too much time in our life working to do it lonely.

I enjoy the exchange with my co-workers, sometimes benefit from their experience and networks and love to share a laugh and a coffee at work - instead of brewing my own cuppa at home."